Friday, March 20, 2015

A Tribute to Teachers - May 25, 2014

I want to begin this day with a few words of gratitude. 25 years ago, I took part in a ceremony that marked the beginning of a different way of thinking and living. High school was finally over and I was elated to join that special group of people: ADULTS. At the time, it had not occurred to me that there were numerous adults who actually helped me along the way. There were family members, neighbors, community members, folk from church, and of course…TEACHERS!

Today, as my one and only daughter, Shammai Love Acuil Mading, prepares to cross the stage in that glorious ceremony we call high school graduation, I want to take a few minutes to say thank you to the following teachers:

Ravenswood CDC
Pre K – Mrs. Evelyn Dansby (RIP)

East Palo Alto Charter School
Kinder – Terra Lee & Sarah Braunstein
1st – Nicholas Foote & Sara Rutherford
2nd – Sharon Johnson & Rachel Rosenberg
3rd – Kate Shoemaker & Carolyn Stuthers
4th – KATIE KLING!!! J & Patrick Minor
5th – Madeline Clark & Alexandra Fay
PE – kinder through fifth grade MR. STEVE!!! J

The academic foundation that was laid for Shammai during the elementary years at EPACS prepared her to advance to Castilleja School where she blossomed into a young lady. Castilleja teachers provided Shammai the opportunity to be herself, learn at her own pace, and grow in confidence. She loved every minute, every field trip, and every class. Thank you Castilleja friends and family for all the love and support Shammai experienced 6th – 11th grade. It was difficult for her to leave but I’m grateful for Castilleja’s way of empowering Shammai and setting her on such a promising academic path that she could continue here in Memphis at Lausanne Collegiate School.

In the year and a half that she’s been at Lausanne, Shammai was crowned Homecoming Queen, received awards for her artistic creations, and kept her grades up in three AP courses. Shammai will cross the stage today and officially become a part of that special group of people we call young adults. Her Lausanne teachers have done an excellent job at extending her learning beyond the classroom and compelling her to grow into a fine young scholar. I am so grateful.

Today, I alone cannot and will not accept all the congratulations. It was teachers that shaped and molded her young mind. It was teachers who taught her to think more critically, write more precisely, and who taught her chemistry & calculus!  Teachers gave her the test taking skills necessary to get into college. And in her words, “Teachers taught me how to share what I’ve learned with others.” You teachers have provided her with more than her parents could have on their own. Because of you, she will spend a gap-year in Germany…TEACHING!! To every teacher who has assisted my baby girl in getting to this place at this time, thank you. Thank you! THANK YOU!!!

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