Thursday, June 27, 2013


Today, during the George Zimmerman trial, we heard a young lady state that Trayvon Martin used the term Cracker to describe Mr. Zimmerman. When asked if the word was a racial term, she said, "No Sir." After thinking about it for I while, I submit an agreement with Rachel Jeantel. This young lady is not only a 19 year old high school senior; she is also the product of an immigrant family. I doubt that she knows the true history of the word- she only understands it as a descriptor of a "bad" White person.

The words Cracker (and Honky) were created to combat the word Nigger. These two words were created out of anger. These words were all that Black folk had in their arsenal to fight against the discrimination and hatred they experienced on a daily basis. Now if one wants to call the use of these two words a reversal of racism fine. However, the way I see it - young teens today have been raised to know these two words as descriptors of bad White people.

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