Monday, September 28, 2009

Washing Dishes

That thing you do when all the company has left after an excellent meal: wash dishes. I love doing it. Washing dishes allows me to free my mind and sail away. I dream of all the places I desire to be as the water runs over my hands and fingertips. I reminisce about all the wonderful times I've had on my journey through life. I even get nostalgic for the days when I was a child and my siblings and I would have long drawn out debates over which TV star was the richest.

Washing dishes is relaxing and with some soothing music in the background, gets done rather efficiently when I am on duty. It also gives me a since of accomplishment as I clean the counters, the stove, sweep the floor and organize the leftovers into the refrigerator. I know it sounds crazy but, I love washing dishes.

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