Monday, September 28, 2009

Washing Dishes

That thing you do when all the company has left after an excellent meal: wash dishes. I love doing it. Washing dishes allows me to free my mind and sail away. I dream of all the places I desire to be as the water runs over my hands and fingertips. I reminisce about all the wonderful times I've had on my journey through life. I even get nostalgic for the days when I was a child and my siblings and I would have long drawn out debates over which TV star was the richest.

Washing dishes is relaxing and with some soothing music in the background, gets done rather efficiently when I am on duty. It also gives me a since of accomplishment as I clean the counters, the stove, sweep the floor and organize the leftovers into the refrigerator. I know it sounds crazy but, I love washing dishes.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Staying Organized

There are many categories to being who I am:

  • Self
  • Mother
  • Wife
  • Friend
  • Lover
  • Educator
  • Daughter
  • Community Leader
And I must always find a way to keep them from bleeding over and into one another. Remaining compartmentalized is very tricky. For instance, do I stay home today to take care of the neglected finances? Or, should I spend time with my siblings in order to stay in touch with their lives? How about the fact that my mom needs me? Do I break up my day into completing work, paying bills, spending time with my siblings and then my mom? What's the priority?
Questions of this nature, although very simple to find answers to, are the ones that plague me daily. Striking a balance on a day-to-day basis can be an overwhelming task. I am not complaining about my situation, I am just thinking out loud.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

It's a new day

I never thought that I would be one of those people to start a blog but, I realized that I have a lot to say so why not say it loud. It's a new day! And I am hoping that I can get this (my thoughts) out and organized in some fashion that will help me as well as others. So, here goes nothing!!