Friday, February 12, 2010

Get Up Off That Thang!

You know those days when you feel down and nothing seems to cheer you up? When everything that could go wrong does? When you're stuck in a rut? Well, for the past few days, that was me. I had been going through so much personal stuff that I began to feel awful. But, I decided that down was not the place for me so I got up.

I began to work out and play my guitar. I took long walks and aired my mind out. I even prayed! And the song that came to my mind was "Get Up Off That Thang!" by James Brown.

Get up off that thang and dance 'til you feel better!
Get up off that thang and dance 'til you feel better!

I had forgotten that one of my favorite pastimes was dancing. So on Super Bowl Sunday, I danced! And I danced! And I danced! It felt so good to be up instead of down. It dawned on me that I could be what I want to be...even emotionally. I could feel better if I really wanted to.

So, now when I am beginning to have the blues creep up on me, I dance. The Bible says, "Put on the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness..." and dancing is just another way to praise. To find joy in the midst of sorrow by way of movement. That negative stuff can't sit on me, I have to shake it off. I got to get up!